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EIU QGIS Workshop


The city of Chicago provides crime data in the form of *.csv tables with lat/lon coordinates. QGIS treats *.csv tables as a data source that can be included in a map without converting to a shapefile. In this tutorial, we'll be looking at crime data from Aug. 2014 to Aug. 2015:

  1. Click the Add Delimited Text Layer button:

delimited text layer

    2. Click Browse

    3. Navigate to the qgis_workshop_data folder and select Crimes.csv.

  The dialog should autopopulate with the following options:

delimited text layer dialoque box

   Note that a Point Geometry definition has automatically been selected using the Longitude and Latitude fields. This is correct, so click OK.

4.You should see the following warning:

CRS undefined

   and the points will be added to the map:

crime layer panel

    5. The actual coordinate system is NAD 1983. The difference is very small, but let's go ahead and correct it

  • Right-click on the crimes layer and select Properties.
  • Select the General tab.
  • Click the button next to the selected coordinate reference system (CRS):

CRS correction1

  • In the filter type "NAD83", select NAD83   EPSG 4269 and click OK:

CRS correction 2

  • Click OK again. The crime data is now registered to the correct CRS.


In the next section, we'll obtain police stations from OpenStreetMap.


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