What is the EIU Student Government Association?
The EIU Student Government Association, SGA, is a representative assembly elected by the EIU student body. Executive Members of the EIU SGA serve for a term of one academic year. Elections are held each spring semester unless an emergency election is necessary for the performance of the EIU SGA, and the purpose of the EIU SGA is to represent the EIU student body.
What is the Structure of the EIU Student Government Association?
The EIU SGA is made up of the 2-Branches of Government:
- Executive: President, Executive Vice President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Legislative: Speaker of the Senate, Senators
Why Should YOU Join?
- Gain career-related experiences.
- Learn and practice leadership skills such as communication, delegation, goal setting, budgeting and programming.
- Develop interpersonal and social skills by working with EIU administrators, staff and student leaders across campus.
- Make a difference on campus and positively impact the EIU community.
- An opportunity for personal reward and achievement.
- Make lifelong friends.
What are the Commitments for Executive Officers?
- Attend Weekly Senate meetings, Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
- Perform 8-10 office hours per week.
- Attend bi-weekly Executive Board meetings.
- Attend weekly meetings with Student Government advisor(s).
- Attend monthly meetings with the Vice President for Student Affairs and President of the University.
What are the Requirements for Executive Officers?
- Shall be a currently enrolled and full-time EIU student during the semester seeking office.
- Elected candidates shall be enrolled and full-time EIU students during term of office.
- Shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
- Shall be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university.
- 8-10 office hours per week.
What are the Commitments for Senators?
- Weekly Senate meetings, Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
- Weekly committee meetings.
- 3 office hours per week.
- Must visit one RSO each semester.
- Must complete the Student Government diversity requirements.
- Must help with any Student Government functions.
What are the Requirements for Senators?
- Shall maintain a GPA of 2.50 and be a full-time student and in good disciplinary standing with the University.
- Shall attend weekly Student Senate meetings.
- Shall attend a weekly committee meeting as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
- Must complete three office hours per week in the Student Activities Center or an approved outside office hour.
- Must attend a Student Government orientation at the beginning of each semester.
- Must complete the Student Senate diversity requirements.
- Must help with any Student Government functions.
Who should I Contact with Further Questions?
Contact information for current Executive Officers office holders can be found
here and contact information for current senators can be found