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EIU Media Relations

Strategic Planning Town Halls October 18, 19


Happy EIU Homecoming Weekend!

As some readers may recall, EIU hosted a public survey earlier this semester as part of EIU’s Strategic Planning process. If you took the opportunity to participate, the University thanks you for your feedback. As EIU moves the planning process forward, EIU will host two Strategic Planning Town Halls next week on October 18 and October 19. Details are available here. Public participation in these town halls is welcome, but certainly not mandatory. The intent is simply to give our public stakeholders and community members an additional opportunity to submit feedback alongside our students and employees.

Thank you for your consideration. Please enjoy this weekend’s homecoming activities, and GO PANTHERS!



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Contact Information

Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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