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EIU Media Relations

Graduate Student Grade Policy for Covid 19 in Summer 2020


As was approved by Eastern Illinois University's Council on Graduate Studies for the spring semester, the Graduate School will continue to consider policy appeals and will take into account conditions that were beyond the graduate student's control during the COVID 19 pandemic that may impact graduate student standing for summer courses in 2020.

The Graduate Dean, on a case by case basis, will consider student appeals to revise a letter grade to credit/no credit. Any appeal made to the Graduate Dean must contain specific information that addresses a student's inability to complete assigned graduate work during the summer semester 2020. Graduate students must have earned a grade of B or C to utilize this appeal process for the grade of credit, and a D or F for the grade of no-credit and must petition the Graduate Dean no later than August 1, 2020.

The Graduate Dean will consult with the graduate program coordinator prior to approving any grade change request. Graduate students should also consult with their graduate program coordinator prior to making this request.



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Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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