More than 90 students from 14 area high schools -- Altamont, Beecher City, Danville, Edwards County, Fisher, Lawrenceville, MacArthur, Mahomet-Seymour, Mattoon, Morrisonville, Neoga, Okaw Valley, St. Teresa and Villa Grove -- participated in Eastern Illinois University’s 42nd annual Maurice Shepherd High School Chemistry Contest.
Students participated in a 60-minute written examination (50 questions), followed by a dinner break and talk by EIU associate professor of chemistry Radu Semeniuc on "Molecular Machines and Devices: Dream or Reality?” The top four teams and the top individuals were then recognized and awards presented. A traveling trophy was presented to the first-place team, and plaques were awarded to the top students.
The four schools having the highest team averages were:
The highest-ranking individual students, in order, were Annie Bao (first) and Cassidy Waldrup (second), both from Mahomet-Seymour; Joanna Williams (third), Morrisonville; Nick Eveland (fourth), Mattoon; Adam Sullivan (fifth), Morrisonville; Jackson Clark, Neoga, and Lauren Henderson and Devon Himes, both from Mahomet Seymour (tied for sixth); Annie Taber (seventh), Mahomet-Seymour; Cheyanne Vondrak (eighth) and Jessica Atwell (ninth), both from Neoga; Lucas Chittick (10th), Fisher; Ben Althoff, Neoga, and Ethan Mansfield, Mahomet-Seymour, tied for 11th; Austin Carr (12th), Mahomet-Seymour; Madigan Carroll (13th), MacArthur; Cameron Krager (14th), Morrisonville; Lauren Pugh (15th), St. Teresa; Bushra Ibrahim (16th), MacArthur; Sarah Amjad (17th), and Emma Amjad (18th), both from Mahomet-Seymour; and Nathaniel Kelly, (19th), Danville.
Notes of interest: 2017 was the fourth consecutive year in which a student from Mahomet-Seymour received the highest individual score. Additionally, it is the third consecutive year in which Neoga finished second.
The contest's official website, which includes photos, a copy of the test and additional information, can be found here.
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