Heidi Keibler Stevens |
Heidi Keibler Stevens, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, will present a free lecture at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, in Eastern Illinois University's Lumpkin Auditorium.
Stevens’ column, called “Balancing Act,” focuses on work-life balance, relationships and parenting from a feminist perspective.
Robert Martinez, an English professor who coordinated the event, first became interested in bringing Stevens to campus in February when she wrote a column defending Eastern Illinois University as a regional comprehensive public university, which she said was exactly what she needed as a student at Eastern in the ’90s.
“She is the perfect person to talk about the value of a liberal arts education in media careers and beyond,” Martinez said. “Given her experiences and training, she is perfect to discuss the importance of humanities training for the professional world.”
Stevens was editor-in-chief of the Daily Eastern News (1995-96). She has been with the Tribune since 1998. Before covering lifestyles, she was an editor in the Tribune’s entertainment department.
Stevens will speak to classes and meet with faculty during her visit.
A meet-and-greet reception for the public will be held prior to the speech from 5-6 p.m. in 2031 Lumpkin.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920