More than 70 students from 11 area high schools participated in Eastern Illinois University’s 41st annual Maurice Shepherd High School Chemistry Contest.
Students participated in a 60-minute written examination (50 questions), followed by a dinner break and talk on "Organic Materials for Solar Energy Conversion,” presented by Hongshan He of Eastern’s chemistry department. The top four teams and the top individuals were then recognized and awards presented. A traveling trophy was presented to the first-place team, and plaques were awarded to the top students.
The four schools having the highest team averages were:
The highest-ranking individual students, in order, were Ben Dahl, Mahomet-Seymour (M/S), and Connor Dickey, MacArthur (tied for first); Joe Churm (second) and Antonio Cosimini (third), both from M/S; Conrad Ebbecke, M/S, and Drew Warner, Cumberland (tied for fourth); Michal Strzebonski (fifth), Sankat Patel (sixth) and Jessica Berkman (seventh), all from M/S; Nicholas Morrow, M/S, and Will O’Bryan, Effingham (tied for eighth); Luke Delong, Sullivan (ninth); Emily Wasmuth, Neoga (10th); Jacob Sigg, Effingham (11th); Kierstyn Albin, Neoga (12th); Ethan Macklin, Okaw Valley (13th); Jacob Holden, Lawrenceville, and Spencer Johnson, Sullivan (tied for 14th); William Clodfelder, M/S (15th); and Remington Neal, Charleston (16th).
The contest's official website, which includes photos, a copy of the 2016 test and additional information, can be found here.
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