Undergraduate Academic Requirements
Grade Point Average (GPA): minimum 1.75 out of 4.0.
Test of English Language:
- Paper-Based TOEFL: 500 points
- Internet-Based TOEFL: 61 points
- IELTS: 6.0 on the Academic Module
- MELAB: 69
- STEP EIKEN: Grade Pre-1
- iTEP Academic Plus: 4.5 overall assessment
- Duolingo English Test: 105 points
- English Proficiency Requirements can be waived under the following circumstances:
- You have successfully completed 24 semester hours of academic credit from a U.S. college or university.
- You have completed Level 112 courses with a Certificate of Completion from an ELS Language Center in the U.S.
- You have successfully completed two consecutive years of courses in a country where English is the primary language and medium of instruction (within the past two years). For a list of these countries, click here.
- You have successfully completed two terms (one semester) of English for Academic Purposes 2 (Level 6) at the Center of English as a Second Language (CESL) at Southern Illinois University - Carbondale.
- You have successfully completed the Proficiency Level, Certificate of Achievement from Kaplan International Colleges.
- You have successfully completed Level 9 at one of The Language Company centers in the United States.
- You have successfully completed a 500 Level from the Intensive English Institute.
3. Country-Specific Requirements:
Eastern Illinois University, established in 1895, is a distinguished public institution. It is recognized by the US News and World Report as one of the Best Regional Universities in the Midwest. The tuition and living costs at EIU are reasonable for international students. Additionally, it is noted for being one of the safest universities in the United States and offers more than 120 majors and concentrations. To gain admission to an undergraduate program as a freshman, applicants must have completed secondary education from an accredited or recognized institution. All documents issued in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation. The following list of countries provides prospective students with information regarding the necessary documents to include with their applications:
One of the following documents is required as proof of secondary education or High school completion and must be submitted with your application:
- Technical and Vocational Training Baccalauria
- Islamic Studies Grade 12 Graduation Certificate
- Grade 12 Graduation Certificate also known as Baccalauria/Baccalaureate Certificate
Last three Years transcripts may also be required in addition to the above mentioned documents
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Dëftesë Pjekurie [Certificate of Maturity]
- Dëftesë e përfundimit dhe Certifikatë e adftësive profesionale për punëtor të Kualifikuar [Final Certificate and Statement of Vocational Abilities] from a technical high school
- Maturës Shtetërore [State Matura] and the Level 3 Vocational Training Certificate (technician level)
Last three Years transcripts may also be required in addition to the above mentioned documents
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Secondary Education Baccalaureate)
- Baccalauréat Technique/Baccalauréat de Technicien (Technical Baccalaureate)
Last three Years transcripts may also be required in addition to the above-mentioned documents
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Titol de Batxiller or Batxillerat [Baccalaureat Diploma]
- Diploma Titol de Batxiller Professional or Qualificacio Final de Batxillerat Professional
- [Professional Baccalaureat] d’Ensenyament Professional [Diploma of Professional Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitação Literária [General Certificate of Secondary Education]
- Certificado [Curso Technico/Medio/Nivel III] Certificate (Awarded after the successful completion of year 12; may state “equivalent to completion of 12 years of school or second cycle of secondary school.”
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
Antigua and Barbuda
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Secondary education transcripts and Titulo de Bachiller [Secondary School Graduation Certificate]
- Secondary education transcripts with Bachillerato Especiakizado [Secondary School Graduation Certificate with Specialization]
- Secondary education transcripts with Certificado de Tecnico [Technician Certificate]
- Secondary education transcripts with Perito Mercantil [business/commercial expert]
- Secondary Education Transcripts with Certificado de Educacion Polimodal [Certificate of Polimodal Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Australia Capital Territory 12th Year Certificate or Senior Secondary Certificate
- New South Wales Higher School Certificate and Records of Achievement
- Level IV Certificate in Tertiary Preparation
- Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE) and Record of Achievement
- Queensland Senior Certificate of Education and Senior Statement
- South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
- Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) and Statement of Marks
- Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Statement of Results, or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Senior Level (VCAL) and Statement of Results
- Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) and Statement of Results
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Reifeprufungszeugnis [Maturity Exam Certificate]
- Zeugnis uber die Berufsreifeprufung/also Berufsreifeprufungszeugnis [Vocational Maturity Certificate]
- Reife-und Diplomprufungszeugnis [Maturity and Diploma Exam Certificate]
- Abschlussprufungszeugnis der berufsbildende mittlere schule (BMS) [Vocational Intermediate School] (also called Fachschule trade or vocational school)
- Studienberechtigungsprufung or Studienberechtigungszeugnis [Study Qualifying Exam or Certificate]
- Externistenreifeprüfungszeugnis (External Maturity Examination Certificate)s
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education from a professional lyceum general education track
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education from a professional lyceum in a vocational/technical track
- Junior Specialist from a technical secondary school
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE O-level) Examinations [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (GCE A-level) examination [Must pass two or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- General Certificate of Secondary Education
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
- Diploma in Technology
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)/or and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
- General Certificate of Education (GCE)
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Attestat O Srednom Obrazavanii [Diploma of Secondary Education]
- Attestat O Srednom Spetsialnom Obrazavanii [Diploma of Specialized Secondary Education]
- Diploma of Vocational Education from a vocational school (three years attendance)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superieur (CESS) [Certificate of Higher Secondary Education]
- Diploma von Hoger Secundaire Onderwijs [Diploma of Higher Secondary Education]
- Certificat de Qualification 6 [Orientation Certificate] Wallonia (CQ6)
- Getuigschrift 6 [Certificate] Flanders
- Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts [Leaving Certificate of the Higher Level of Secondary Instruction]
- Diploma Van Secondair Onderwijs
- Getuigschrift Van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations/Diploma (CAPE) [Must pass two or more CAPE examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat de Enseignement Secondaire [Secondary Education Baccalaureate]
- Baccalauréat de Technicien [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire Technique [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Diplôme de Technicien Industriel/DTI [Industrial Technician Diploma]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bermuda School Certificate (BSC)/Bermuda School Diploma (BSD)
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
- General Certificate of Education, Advanced Subsidiary Level (GCE AS-level) examinations
- One Advanced Subsidiary (AS-level) examination and one Advanced (A-level) examination
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diploma de Bachiller en Humanidades [Bachelor’s Diploma in Humanities]
- Bachillerato Tecnico [Diploma from a Technical School]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Svjedocanstvo Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Ispitu (IV Stepen) [Certificate of final examination IV level]
- Svjedodzba o Zavrsenom Obrazovanju (IV Stepen) [Certificate of final examination IV level]
- Diploma O Zavrsenoj Gimnaziji [Diploma of completed high school]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificado de Conclusao de Segundo Grau com Habilitacao Basica Professional [Certificate of Graduation from Upper Secondary School with Basic Vocational Training]
- Certificado de Auxiliar Tecnico [Certificate of Technical School]
- Diploma de Tecnico de Segundo Grau, Diploma de Tecnico de Novel Medio [Diploma of Technician of Secondary Level]
- Certificado de Conclusao de Segundo Grau com Habilitacao do Magisterio do Segundo Grau [Certificate of Graduation from Secondary School with Concentration in Teacher Training]
- Diploma de Professor do Ensino Primario [Diploma of Primary School Teacher]
- Diploma de Conclusao de Curso Supletivo [High School Diploma Equivalency Studies]
British Virgin Islands
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Secondary School Diploma
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Education (GCE)
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations/Diploma (CAPE)
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazavanie [Diploma of Completion of Secondary Education]
- Kvalifikatsiran Rabotnik [Qualified Worker]
- Udostoverenie za Poluvissha Tekhnicheska Praktika [Qualification for Technicians]
Burkina Faso
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachilier de ‘Enseignement du Second Degre [Secondary Education Baccalaureate]
- Baccalauréat Technique [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Baccalauréat de Technicien [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Diplôme de Bachelier de Technicien [Technical Diploma]
- Brevet d’Études Professionelles/BEP [Certificate of Professional Studies]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diplôme d’Etat [State Diploma Which Gives Access to University Education
- Technicien A2 [Completion of Upper Secondary Technical Education]
- Technicien A3 [Completion of Lower Level Technical Secondary Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire/Baccalauréat General
- Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire Technique/Baccalauréat Technique/Diplome de Bachelier de Technicien [Technical Baccalaureat]
- Brevet de Technicien [Technician Diploma]
- Brevet de Professionnel [Professional Diploma]
- Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles (BEP) [Certificate of Professional Studies]
- Certificat de Probation [Certificate of Probation] (sometimes referred to as Probatoire)
- Certificat d’Aptitude Pedagogique d’Instituteur de l’ensiegnement Maternel et Primaire (CAPIEMP) [pre-primary and primary teacher certificate]
- Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-level) [Must pass five or more GCE O-level examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation
- Cameroon General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-level) [Must pass two or more GCE A-level examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation and to advance the expected date of high school graduation two years from the on-time completion of GCE O-level examinations)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Advanced High School Diploma from the province of Alberta
- Secondary School Graduation Diploma from the province of British Columbia
- Manitoba High School Diploma from the province of Manitoba
- New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma from the province of New Brunswick
- High School Graduation Diploma from Newfoundland & Labrador
- High School Graduation Diploma or School Leaving Certificate from the Northwest territories
- Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma (formerly known as High School Completion Certificate) from the province of Nova Scotia
- High School Graduation Diploma from the province of Nunavut
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma from the province of Ontario
- Senior Secondary School Diploma from the province of Prince Edward Island
From the Province of Quebec:
- Diplôme d’Études Secondaires (DES) [Secondary School Diploma]
- Diplôme d’Études Professionnelles (DEP) [Diploma of Vocational Studies]
- Attestation de Spécialisation Professionnelle (ASP) [Attestation of Vocational Specialization]
- Attestation de Formation Professionelle (AFP) [Attestation of Vocational Education]
- Record of Secondary Level Standing
Cape Verde
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificado da Habilitações Literárias (Certificate of Literary Qualifications)
Central African Republic
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachilier de l‘Enseignement du Second Degre
- Baccalauréat de Technicien
- Baccalauréat Technique
- Diplôme de Technicien d’Agriculture Tropicale
- Certificat d’Aptitude Professionelle
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat [Baccalaureate of Secondary Education]
- Baccalauréat de Technicien [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Brevet de Technicien [Technician Certificate]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Licencia de Educacion Media/Licencia de Enseñanza Media (Certificate of Secondary Education)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificate of Results of General Examination for High School graduates (HUIKAO) with verification of results directly from the China Qualifications Verification Authority (CDGDC)
- Graduation Certificate
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachillerato/Bachiller [Secondary School Diploma]
- Titulo de Maestro/Maestro Superior/Normalista Superior [Title/Diploma of Teacher/Advanced Teacher/Advanced Educator]
Democratic Republic of Congo
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diplôme d’État d’Études Secondaires du Cycle Long [State Diploma of Long-Cycle Secondary Education] (Academic or Vocational Track)
- Examen d’Etat [State Exams] from a Technical Secondary School
Republic of Congo
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat [Baccalaureate]
- Certificat de Fin d’Études Sécondaires [Secondary School Leaving Certificate]
- Baccalauréat Technique [Technical Baccalaureate]
Costa Rica
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachillerato/Bachiller [Secondary School Diploma]
- Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada [Diploma of Conclusion of Studies of Diversified Education]
- Certificado de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Media en a specialized area [Secondary School Certificate in a Specialized Area)
- Técnico en el Nivel Medio [Mid-Level Technician]
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalaureat [Baccalaureate]
- Diplome de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degre [Diploma of Bachelor of Secondary Education]
- Baccalaureat Technique [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle (CAP) [Certificate of Professional Competency]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Svedodzba o Zavrsnom Ospity [Certificate of Final Examination]
- Svedodzba o Zavrsnom Srednjem Obrazovanju [Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education]
- Maturalna Svjedodzba or Matura [Maturity Certificate]
- Svjedodzba o zavrsnome radu [Diploma of Final Thesis]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Titulo de Bachiller/Bachillerato [Title of Secondary School Leaving Certificate]
- Titulo de Tecnico Medio [Title of Intermediate-level Technician]
- Tituo de Perito [Title of Non-technical Expert]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Apolyterion [Certificate of Completion] from an upper secondary school
- Pistopyitico Isodinamias [Equivalency Certificate]
- Lise Diplomasi [Diploma]
- Diplomasi [Diploma]
Czech Republic
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce [Maturity Certificate]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bevis for Studentereksamen (STX) [Certificate of Student Examination]
- Bevis for Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) [Higher Preparatory Examination]
- Hojere Handelseseksamen (HHX) [Higher Commercial Examination]
- Hojere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX) [Higher Technical Examination]
- Eux diploma [Vocational studies resulting in the Eux diploma]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat General/Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire [Secondary Education Baccalaureate]
- Baccalauréat Professionnel (BP) [Professional Baccalaureate]
- Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles (BEP) [Certificate of Professional Studies]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation.]
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation.]
- General Certificate of Education (GCE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation.]
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation.
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
Dominican Republic
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachiller/Bachillerato [Diploma]
- Maestro Normal/Mastro Normal Primario [Primary School Teacher]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachiller/Bachillerato [Secondary School Diploma]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education (Science and Math Tracks)
- Al-Azhar Secondary Education Certificate (Science and Math Tracks)
- Shehaadat Itmaam El-Diraasa El-Thaanawiya El ‘Aama [Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education] (Arts Track)
- Al-Azhar Secondary Education Certificate (Arts Track)
- Technical Secondary School Diploma in Commercial Preparation
- Technical Secondary School Diploma in Agricultural Preparation
- Technical Secondary School Diploma in Industrial Preparation
- Armed Forces Vocational Training Diploma
- Teacher's Diploma
El Salvador
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachiller/Bachillerato [Academic Secondary School Graduation Diploma]
- Diploma de Educación Media [Diploma of Secondary School Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus [Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate] accompanied by the Hinneteleht [Supplement] and the Riigieksamutunnistus [National Exam]
- Loputunnistus Pohihariduse Basil Kutekeskhariduse Omandamise Kohta [Certificate on Acquiring Vocational Secondary Education Based on Basic Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate
- Ethiopian General Education Certificate Examination/Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Lukion Päästötodistus/Dismissionsbetyg/Avgangsbetyg Fran Gymnasiet [Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate]
- Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentsexamensbetyg [Matriculation Examination Certificate]
- Teknikko [Technician] or Teknillisen Koulun Päästötodistus [Vocational Secondary School Diploma]
- Ammatillinen Perustutkinto [Initial Vocational Qualification]
- Tutkintotodistus or Qualification Certificate
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diplome de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degre [Diploma of Bachelor of Secondary Education]
- Diplome de Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement Secondaire [Diploma of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education]
- Diplome du Baccalaureat General [Diploma of General Baccalaureate]
- Diplome de Baccalaureat de Technicien/Diplome de Baccalaureat Technologique [Diploma of Technical Baccalaureate]
- Diplome de Baccalaureat Professionnel [Diploma of Professional Baccalaureate]
- Brevet de Technicien [Technician’s Certificate]
- Certificat de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires [Certificate of Completion of Secondary Studies]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat [Baccalaureate]
- Baccalauréat Technique/Baccalauréat Technologique [Technical Baccalaureate]
- Brevet de Technicien (BT) [Technician Certificate]
- Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique (CAP) [Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude]
The Gambia
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Scores with verifiable credentials including Index number, Year of Exam, and valid Serial and Pin Numbers
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Sashualo Skolis Atestati [Secondary School Certificate]
- Sashualo Specialuri Sastsavleblis Diplomi [Diploma from a Special Secondary School]
- Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati [Certificate of Secondary School Education]
- Prophesiul-Teknikuri Sastavleblis Diplomi [Diploma from Vocational-Technical school]
- Prophesiul-Teknikuri Sastavleblis Diplomi Danartit [Diploma from Vocational-Technical School with Supplement]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife [Certificate of General Higher Educational Maturity] (verbally referred to as the “Abitur”)
- Zeugnis der Fachgebundenen Hochschulreife [Certificate of Subject-Restricted Higher Educational Maturity]
- Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife [Certificate of Maturity for a University of Applied Sciences]
- Abschlusszeugnis [Completion Certificate] (from a technical school)
- Zeugnis from Krankenpflegeschule [Certificate from a Nursing School], Schule fur technische Assistenten in der Medizin [school for medical technical assistant], Schule fur Physiotherapeuten [School for Physical Therapists] or other type of school for medical paraprofessional
- Secondary Stage II Berufsfachschule [School Leaving Certificate of Full-time Vocational School]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE)
- West Africa Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Apolyterio [Certificate of Completion] (awarded by a Lykeio Upper Secondary School)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Education (GCE) [Must pass five or more examinations in seperate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of pCaribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations/Diploma (CAPE) [Must pass two examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachillerato/Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras [Secondary School Diploma in Sciences and Letters]
- Perito Comercial, Industrial, Agrícola, Técnico [Certificate/Diploma – Completion of Technical/Vocational Secondary Education]
- Maestro de Educación [Completion of Technical/Vocational Education in Teaching]
Guinea (Guinea-Conakry)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie [Baccalaureate Second Part]
- Baccalauréat Première Partie [Baccalaureate First Part]
- Brevet d’Etudes Professionnelles (BEP) [Certificate of Professional Studies]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Education (GCE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations/Diploma (CAPE) [Must pass two examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat [Secondary School Leaving Certificate]
- Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie [Secondary School leaving Certificate, Part II]
- Certificat de Fin d’Études Secondaires Classiques, Deuxième Partie [Certificate of Completion of Classical Studies, Part II]
- Baccalauréat I [Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Part I]
- Brevet Superièur [Advanced Certificate]
- Diplôme de Technicien [Technician’s Diploma]
- Diplôme d’Instituteur [Teacher’s Diploma]
- Diplôme d’Enseignement Secondaire [Diploma of Secondary Instruction]
- Diplôme de Fin d’Études Normales [Normal School Completion Diploma]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Bachillerato/Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras [Secondary School Diploma in Sciences and Letters]
- Bachiller en Administratcion de Empresas [Diploma in Business Administration]
- Perito Mercantil y Contador Publico/Contador Privado (accounting)
- Bachiller en Ciancias Agricolas [Diploma in Agriculture]
- Bachiller Tecnico Pecuario [Technical Diploma in Animal Husbandry]
- Bachiller Tecnico in a specialized area [Technical Diploma in a Specialized Area]
Hong Kong
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
- Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)
- Hong Kong Advanced Supplementary Level Examination (HKASLE)
- Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Gimnáziumu Érettségi Bizonyítvány [Gymnasium Maturity Certificate]
- Skakközépiskolai Érettségi-Képesítö Bizonyívány [Technical Secondary School Maturity Certificate]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Studentsprof [University Matriculation Examination]
- Lokaprof [Final Examination Certificate]
- Sveinsprof [Technical Secondary School Diploma]
- Verslunarprof [Business Diploma]
- Verslunarmenntaprof [Applied Business Studies Diploma]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) (Arts or Sciences group)
- All-India Senior School Certificate
- Pre-Degree certificate
- Pre-professional Certificate (pre-dental, pre-engineering, pre-medical, pre-agriculture)
- Pre-university Certificate
- Senior Secondary School Certificate (National Institute of Open Schooling)
- Higher Secondary School Certificate (all streams other than arts and sciences)
- Intermediate Certificate for Goa
- Intermediate Certificate for Andhra Pradesh
- Indian School Certificate
- Certificate of Vocational Education Examination (CVE-12)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Menengah Umum Tingkat Atas (STTB SMA) (SMA is also referred to as ‘Ijazah Paket C.’)
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Madrasah Aliyah (STTB MA) (Madrash Menegah Tingkat Atas) [Certificate of Completion – Islamic General/Academic Upper Secondary School]
- Ijazah – Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA MA) [Certificate of Graduation from Academic/Islamic Secondary School]
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Menengah Ekonomi Atas (STTB SMEA) [Certificate of Completion – Commercial Upper Secondary School]
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (STTB SMK) [Certificate of Completion – Vocational Upper Secondary School]
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Menengah Kesejahteraan Keluarga (STTB SMKK) [Certificate of Completion – Home Economics Upper Secondary School]
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Teknik Menengah (STTB STM) [Certificate of Completion – Technical Upper Secondary School]
- Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar – Sekolah Pendidikan Guru (STTB SPG) [Certificate of Completion – Teacher Training Education]
- Ijazah – Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (SMK MAK) [Certificate of Graduation from Vocational/Islamic Secondary School]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Pre-University Certificate
- Technicians Certificate
- Metevaseth [National High School Diploma]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Adadiyah [Sixth Form Baccalaureate]
- Certificate of Preparatory Studies
- Certificate of Preparatory Studies
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Ráiteas ar Thorthaí Sealadacha ag Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta [Statement of Provisional Results at the Leaving Certificate Examination]
- Senior Certificate
- Leaving Certificate Applied
- Leaving Certificate Vocational Program (LCVP)
- Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) Level 5 Certificate
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Teudat Bagrut [Matriculation Certificate]
- Teudat Gemer Tichonit or Teudat Hagamar Hatichonit [Certificate of Completion of Secondary Studies]
- Teudat Gemer Masmat [Final Diploma from Secondary/Vocational Track
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diploma/Certifica di Esame di Stato/Diploma di Maturità [Diploma/Certificate of State Examination/Diploma of Maturity]
- Attestato di Idoneità [Affidavit of Equivalence]
- Diploma di Maturità Magistrale [Teacher Training Maturity Certificate]
- Diploma di Esame di Stato/Diploma di Maturità Professionale [Diploma of State Examination/Diploma of Professional Maturity]
- Diploma di Licenza di Danzatore [Dancer’s Graduation Diploma]
- Diploma di Infermiera Professionale [Diploma of Professional Nurse]
- Diploma di Abilitazione all’Insegnamento nelle Scuole del Grado Preparatorio [Diploma of Qualification for Teaching in Preparatory-level Schools]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- General Certificate of Education (GCE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) [Must pass five or more examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations/Diploma (CAPE) [Must pass two examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate
- Special Training School Upper Secondary Course Diploma
- Certificate of Completion (Awarded after successful completion of the first three years of a five-year Technical College Program)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Tawjhi [General Secondary Education Certificate]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diplom o Srednem Spetsialnom Obrazonavii [Diploma of Secondary Specialized/Vocational/Technical Education]
- Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii [Certificate of Complete Secondary Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
Republic of Korea (South Korea)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Certificate of Graduation from an Upper Secondary School
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diplomë për Kryerjen E Shkollës së Mesmet të Pergjithshme-Gjimnazit [Diploma of Completion of General Secondary School-Gymnasium]
- Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme të Lartë-Gjimnazit [Diploma for Completion of Middle and High School]
- Diplomë për shkollës së Mesme Profesional [Diploma of Completion of Professional Secondary School]
- Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme Profesionale [Diploma for Completion of Secondary Professional School]
- Diplomë për Kryerjen E Shkollës së Mesme [Diploma of Completion of Secondary Studies]
- Diplomë awarded by Gjimnazit [Diploma of Completion of Gymnasium]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- General Secondary Education Certificate (science track)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Attestat o Srednem [Polnom] Obshchem Obrazovanii [Certificate of Secondary/Completed General Education]
- Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom Obrazovanii [Diploma of Secondary Professional/Vocational Education]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Atestats par Visparejo Videjo Izglitibu [Certificate of General Secondary Education] and Results Annex
- Diploms par Profesionalo Videjo Izglitibu [Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education] from an Arodvidusskola [Vocational Secondary School] or Arodgimnasija [Vocational Gymnasium]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat [Certificate of Secondary Education]
- Attestation de Candidature [Attestation of Candidacy for Baccalaureate]
- General Secondary Certificate
- Baccalauréat Technique [Technical Baccalaureat]
- Teaching Baccalauréat
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Lesotho General Certificate of Secondary Education (LGCSE) [Must pass five or more separate LGCSE examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]
- Cambridge Overseas School Certificate at the Ordinary Level (COSC O-level) [Must pass five or more O-level examinations in separate subjects to qualify as an acceptable form of proof of high school graduation]/li>
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Liberia Senior High School Certificate (LSHSC) and WAEC scores with valid credentials including Index number, Serial and Pin numbers and the Year of the exam
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Maturazeugnis (“Matura”) Matruirty Certificate
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Brandos Atestatas [Maturity Certificate]
- Taikomuju Mokslu Vidurines Mokyklos Brandos Atestats [Maturity Certificate of Applied Sciences Secondary School]
- Qualifications obtained after successful completion of Vocational School (if “Secondary Education Obtained” [Igijo Vidurini Issilavinima] is inscribed)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diplôme de Fin D’etudes Secondaires [Diploma of Secondary Education Completion]
- Diplôme de Fin D’etudes Secondaires Techniques [Diploma of Technical Secondary Education Completion]
- Diplôme de Technician (DT) [Technician Diploma]
- Diplôme d’aptitude Professionnelle (DAP) [Diploma of Vocational Proficiency]
- Certificat de Capacité Professionnelle (CCP) [Certificate of Vocational Proficiency]
- Certificat d’aptitude Technique et Professionnelle (CATP) [Certificate of Technical and Vocational Proficiency]
- Certificat de Capcité Manuelle (CCM) [Certificate of Manual Proficiency]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Senior Secondary Certificate
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Diploma of Passed State Maturity Exams
- Svidetelstvo za Zavrseno Sredno Obrazovanie [Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education]
- Svidetelstvo za Polozen Maturski Ispit [Certificate of Passed Maturity Examination] (This document can be earned only upon attainment of the Secondary School Leaving Certificate.)
- Any diploma listed above in vocational programs from Technico/Ekonomsko Uciliste [Cetrigodisnil] (technical/economic school—two years)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire [Secondary Education Baccalaureat]
- Baccalauréat Technique/Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Technique [Technical Baccalaureat]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysian Certificate of Education]
- Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) [Malaysian High School Certificate]
- Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Unified Examination (MICSSUE)
- Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia Vokesyenal (SPMV) [Malaysian Certificate of Education for Vocational Schools]
- Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysian Certificate of Education for Technical Schools]
- Sijil Matrikulasi [Matriculation Certificate Vocational Unified Examination (VUE)]
- Vocational Unified Examination (VUE)
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Baccalauréat Malien [Senior Secondary Education Baccalaureat]
- Diplôme d’Infirmier d’Etat [State Nursing Diploma]
- Diplôme de Technicien de Laboratoire [Lab Technician Diploma]
- Diplôme de Sage-Femme d’Etat [State Midwife Diploma]
- Diplôme des Etudes Normales Secondaires [Secondary Teacher Training School Diploma]
- Brevet de Technicien (BT) [Technician Certificate]
One of the documents listed below is necessary to verify secondary education or high school completion and must accompany your application:
- Secondary Education Certificate
- Matriculation Certificate Examination