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Watts, Lorie (1919-2005) '39; M.S. University of Illinois; grew up in Oblong, IL, taught at Oblong High School for three years. In 1942 he went to Scott Field where he was a Civilian Instructor and Writer of Air Force Textbooks. Lorie then served in the U. S. Army during W.W.II in the Infantry, and later was transferred to the Signal Corps, and then to the Air Corps. After returning home Lorie taught two years at the Bailey Technical Schools in St. Louis, and then returned to writing Textbooks at Scott Field. In 1956 Lorie moved to California and the next fourteen years were spent at North American-Rockwell as a Supervisor of Training and later as a Senior Research Engineer on the Apollo project.
600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston IL 61920 Physical Science, Room 3150