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Eastern Illinois University

Academic Support Center

Study Skills:

Tips for Writing a Research Paper

Main styles of writing research papers (APA, Chicago Style, and MLA).  

The format of each paper (Title page, references, and citations) will vary based on the format your professor prefers. Format specifics can be found on the OWL website:

APA GuideMLA GuideChicago Style Guide

Research papers are one of the most time consuming papers to write.  

  • It is recommended that you begin looking for sources, and start writing your paper, a few weeks before the due date.
  • Working ahead gives you ample to time conduct research, proof-read your paper, or receive outside assistance.

When searching for sources, it is a good idea to gather more than what is required.  

  • Gathering more sources than what is needed allows for leeway when deciding which sources to use.
  • If 5 sources are required, gather 10. By gathering more sources you are not forced to use outdated information or poorly written books, articles, etc in order to fulfill course requirements.

Avoid slang, jargon, and contractions.  

  • Most research papers should be written in the third person.
  • A research paper should be formally written (do not spell words as you would if you were texting someone).
  • Words such as don’t, couldn’t, and shouldn’t should not be used. Instead use the words could not, should not, and do not. All words within a research paper need to be written out.

Have someone review your paper.  

  • Having someone look over your paper allows for feedback as to whether your writing is clear concise, and error free.

Utilize outside resources as needed.  



Academic Support Center

McAfee Gym, Room 2230
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6696

Office Hours

Monday -Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.